The Specialist Guide of Mushrooms & Truffles Seasonality

mushroom and truffle seasonality
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The Specialist Guide of Mushrooms & Truffles Seasonality

Mushrooms and truffles are big favourites in gourmets’ kitchens, often prized for their unique flavours and textures. In the UK, these fungi have seasonal patterns, each variety flourishing during specific times of the year. Understanding their seasonality is essential for foragers, chefs, and enthusiasts alike. Let's delve into the seasonal harvests of various mushrooms and truffles found in the UK.


morels in season


- Morel (April to June): Morels emerge in woodlands and scrubby areas during the spring months, thriving in moist and cool conditions.

- Yellow Leg Chanterelles (April to June): These golden-hued mushrooms are often found in mossy woodlands and grassy areas, typically appearing from April to June.


girolle in season


- King Oyster (June to August): King Oyster mushrooms prefer warmer temperatures and are commonly cultivated during the summer months.

- Girolle (June to August): Also known as the golden chanterelle, Girolle mushrooms are abundant in forests and heathlands during the summer season.


enoki in season


- Golden Enoki (September to November): These delicate mushrooms thrive in cooler temperatures and are commonly found in the autumn months.

- Giant Morel (September to November): A larger variant of the morel mushroom, giant morels can be spotted in woodlands and grasslands during autumn.


porcini in season


- Grey Oyster (December to February): Grey oyster mushrooms are cold-tolerant and can be cultivated indoors during the winter months.

- Italian Porcini (December to February): In the UK, Italian porcini mushrooms are typically available in winter, imported to satisfy the demand for this prized variety.


portobello in season

All Year Round (Cultivated):

- Paris Brown: Cultivated year-round, Paris brown mushrooms are commonly found in supermarkets and grocery stores.

- Portobello: These large, meaty mushrooms are available year-round through cultivation, often used in various culinary dishes.

- Enoki: While traditionally associated with Asian cuisine, enoki mushrooms are cultivated year-round and readily available in the UK.

- Shiitake: While traditionally associated with Asian cuisine, shiitake mushrooms can be cultivated year-round indoors, providing a consistent supply for culinary use.

- Hon Shimeji: Similarly, hon shimeji mushrooms can be cultivated indoors, offering a year-round availability for their unique flavor profile.


truffles in season


- Perigord Black Truffle (Melanosporum): Harvested from November to March, Perigord black truffles are highly prized for their intense aroma and flavor.

- Summer Truffle: Available from May to August, summer truffles have a milder flavor compared to their winter counterparts.

- Alba White Truffle (Magnatum Pico): Alba white truffles are harvested from September to December, commanding high prices for their unique aroma and flavor.

- Autumn Black Truffle (Tuber Uncinatum): Similar to Perigord black truffles, autumn black truffles are harvested from October to December, though their flavor profile may differ.

- Honey Truffle: Harvested from August to October, honey truffles are characterized by their sweet aroma and earthy flavor.

- Spring White Truffle (Tuber Albidium Pico): Found from March to May, spring white truffles offer a delicate flavor and aroma, distinct from their autumn counterpart.


Understanding the seasonal availability of mushrooms and truffles in the UK allows mushroom lovers to appreciate and utilise them at their freshest. Whether foraged in the wild or cultivated, each variety offers a unique taste of nature's bounty throughout the year. Happy hunting and cooking!

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