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Fried Croissants, Scrambled Eggs and Autumn Black Truffle

  • Feeds 1 - 2 people
  • Prep time 5m
  • Cook time 10m

Truffle and eggs are a match made in heaven, and we all know that soft scrambled eggs topped with a flurry of truffle is one of the best breakfasts going. However, there is a way to add another layer of indulgence - a croissant! 

We dip the croissant into the egg mixture, then cook it in butter until caramelised, a little bit like French toast. It’s then filled with soft folds of egg and topped with as much truffle as you dare.

  1. Combine the eggs and 1 thick slice of butter in a non-stick saucepan. Add some salt and lightly beat the eggs.
  2. In a frying pan, melt another slice of butter. Cut the croissants in half and dip them into the egg mixture, then fry them in the butter cut side down for a minute or two, until caramelised. Set aside.
  3. Scramble the eggs by heating them over medium heat, stirring with a spatula. Move the spatula around the edges of the pan and along the bottom. Once the spatula starts to pick up pieces of cooked egg, turn the heat to low and continue cooking the eggs gently, moving them around the pan slowly. When they look 80% cooked, take them off the heat - the residual heat will finish them off.
  4. Serve the eggs inside the croissants, with plenty of truffle grated on top.

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